One of the greatest, most popular, most hated and charismatic wrestler of all time, Hulk Hogan is one of the men who helped parlay the circus-like world of professional wrestling from cult following into the forefront of American entertainment. His name is Terry Bollea, but the world knows him as “Hulk Hogan” perhaps the biggest wrestler on the plannet today and forever! No wonder so many people bet on his victory back in the days. Although Hulk Hogan is no longer active today, you can still bet on a lot of talented wrestlers. Use this Ladbrokes promo code 2016 to get free bets. No one, with the possible exeption of Frank Gotch in the 1920s, has exerted a more profound influence on the history of Proffesional Wrestling than Hulk Hogan. Wrestling has been around for many years, but it wasn’t until the emergence of a wrestler named Hulk Hogan that the sport’s popularity exceeded all previous standards. Hogan flexes more than his 24-inch biceps, when he encourages his “little Hulksters” to “Train, say your prayers, take vitamins and believe in yourself. Hogan’s larger than life physique and persona have led him beyond the forum of wrestling and into personal appearances, endorsements, charitable activities and most recently television and movies. Hogan is arguably one of the most widely known figures in the world. “Hulkamania” hysteria has led to a television cartoon series as well as poster, t-shirts and a countless number of other merchandise. A comparison of wrestling prior to his arival on the national scene and what it became after his ascention to superstardom reveals an upserge in popularity unparralleled in any other sport. Hulk’s Inpact on Wrestling most resembles Micael Jordan’s Impact on basketball; but while Jordan revoltionized his game through sheer talent, Hogan’s influence on wrestling as stemmed almost entirely through his personallity and his abillity to fire up a crowd. He is an Imposing figure in the ring at 6ft7″ 275 pounds and thoes 24 inch pythons (biceps) he brags about are there more than just show. Anyone who knows wrestling would argue that Hogan and the mat skills and technique practically are nonexistent. It dosent matter thoe Wrestling did not make Hulk Hogan it was the other way round Hulk Hogan made wrestling what it is today. Vince Mc Mahon may of taken his federation national, but his bid for global domination would not have succeeded if without a star who could sell tickets, headline pay-per-views, and bring a sport still percieved as currupt and seedy into the mainstream. Had there never been a Hulk Hogan, there is a very real question as to whether Wrestling would have achieved to the heights of popualitty it injoys today!
To children he has been a living, breathing superhero — a role model whos message of “training, prairs, vitamins” is also popular with parents. When ever Hulk Hogan is a good guy he is the biggest good guy in the sport not even the rock can touch this man! When he shocked the wrestling world in 1996 at bash at the beach in datona by turning heel, he instantly became the biggest wrestling heel ever from the biggest face to become the biggest heel was to sure boost wcw rateings. Everything he has done seems to be larger than life. He became,” said dusty roads a part of americana.” Born Terry Bollea in augusta, georgia, the future hulkster attended his first wrestling matches with his father, Pete(RIP) at the Tampa Armony soon after his familly moved to florida.
As the most dominant wrestler, one of Hogan’s most memorable feats was accomplished in 1987 when he body slammed and pinned 7’4″, 500 lb. Andre the Giant before a world record crowd at Wrestlemania III. It still holds the record as the most attended indoor event, surpassing previous records held by the Pope and Rolling Stones. Hulk Hogan has always been slightly larger than life, as he weighed ten pounds seven ounces at birth in Augusta, Georgia on August 11, 1953.
His success story began in 1967 in a Tampa, Florida gym when he started bodybuilding. After studying business administration and music at the University of South Florida, Bollea began training as a wrestler in 1973. In the late 1970’s, he would start his wrestling career. Hogan has always had an extremely busy schedule, he has always devoted special time to visiting ailing children throughout the world. His mother ruth was a dance teacher.” I guess Terry gets loads of showmanship from me she told peoples magazine in 1991. A charity that is very near and dear to his heart is the Make-A-Wish Foundation of which Hogan is the number one requested celebrity of these wish children. Other organizations that Hogan is involved with include Pediatric AIDS Center, Special Olympics and the Starlight Foundation. |